Zeus Training Changes

Hello everyone, we are changing the way we do Zeus Trainings. I now do Zeus Trainings on an on-demand basis Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, or Saturday, 12 PM EST to 9 PM EST. Zeus Trainings are usually around 2 hours. So pick a time anywhere in that timeframe. The training is over Discord through me streaming my desktop. If you wish to follow along on your desktop make sure you have the required Zeus mods loaded up, I’ll show you how to set up Zeusing on your local machine. The reasons for this change include:

  1. Greater flexibility.

  2. Far less wait times for players wanting training.

  3. No server downtime or scheduling conflicts.

  4. Less disruptions and easier to follow along.

There may be special or scheduled trainings at times, but this is the regular whitelisted Zeus Trainings.