Variety Mod Suggestions Round 1

Here is a couple of mods that i believe are worth bringing to attention. :slight_smile:

Japan 2035:

Simple Craters (SERVER SIDE):

Simple Craters (NON SERVER SIDE):

Last but not least a faction that was requested quite a bit: Chinaā€™s Peopleā€™s Liberation Army (PLA)

This PLA mod uses almost exclusively vanilla assets however for those of us in the Zeus corner we know that this isnā€™t everything so anyway here it is :stuck_out_tongue:

Iā€™m not sure the crater mod will work out so wellā€¦ any aircraft that fly over a ā€œcraterā€ will hit it at any altitude in a most cartoonish manner. If itā€™s something that can be turned on and off by the zeus so that it is only used for missions which donā€™t use aircraft then itā€™s probably fine.

Much testing needed.