
We are beginning a website redesign, and for it I need lots of high quality screenshots (1920X1080 min) anyone that submits a usable screenshot will received a TeamSpeak badge, and receive credit on the website.

Recommended type of screenshots are closes ups of single players, singles vehicles, or close ups of tightly groups players. The image does not have to be a full body shot, it can be cropped anyway you wish.

If it help’s you can use the VileHUD mod. The mod will remove all HUD items including; hud, info, radar, compass, direction, menu, group, cursors and panels. This is a client side mod and does not require anything on the server side. At this time the keybinding is hardcoded.

This mod will not remove the chat area. To hide the chat go to Configure>Game>Stream Friendly UI - set to enabled. You may need to restart Arma to disable it again.

Still collecting screenshots for the web redesign here’s one that will be featured posted by u/heySwifty

Hi VileAce,

here are some screenshots i made some time ago. I hope you don’t mind that the majority are bushwookie pics, but you might like some of them.

Feel free to use them as you wish.


And more

And one last one.

I’m sorry, at the time of posting, i was not sure how to make them appear here without uploading them to a 3rd party site.


Some random pics from my adventures on Malden and Exile

Here’s some screenshots of the A164 Wipeout. Max settings

More screenshots. Ghost Hawk, Max settings.

More screenshots. Ghost hawk, Max settings.

Two ss I took today

Oh the things you see on Altis

Tick Tower - a player lost his rotors by getting too close…

I don’t even know about this one. Some pilot clearly got out of that bird with his aviators on and got all the ladies -

lol nothing surprises me

I’ll take credit for finding the perfect landing on top of the tower lol. Not sure how the first helicopter became a tick on the ATC tower.

low effort meme

Only 1 core.

Doing my job in Arma blowing stuff up with my Kuma (Leopard 2)

The day i decided to try being a lav

A few additions I made in Zeus, threw on some filters.