PineappleFrag - Moderator Application

Please answer all questions accurately, honestly and completely.

1. Age:


2. Steam ID or Profile Link:


3. Hours played on NAK servers.:

4. Total Arma 3 hours:


5. What Is Your Current ArmA 3 Level of Experience:

On Foot - Expert
Ground Vehicle - Expert
Rotary - Advanced
Fixed Wing - Advanced
Zeus - Advanced

6. Recommendation from existing Admin or Moderator (if applicable):

Crater, Moon, Defek

7. Reason for applying (if this is anything like “to get rid of trolls” please reconsider):

To put back into the community the sense of teamwork and comradery I received for the past 4 years, as well as to create a fun and upbeat community standing

8. List any real-world experience or skills that you feel would contribute to the NAK community:

  • 2 years as an NCO in the US Army Infantry. (Able to help in MILSIM units and teach players proper unit movements.
  • PR Rep and HR Rep for Radio Stations.
  • C++ and Java Coding.
  • Advanced skills in Adobe Illustration, Photoshop, Premiere Pro, and After Effects.

9. Estimated Activity (how active will you be):

5-7 days a week, 5-10 hours a day

10. Briefly list what you believe is involved in being an Moderator on NAK servers:

Being a Sherpa for new players and guiding players into having a enjoyable, friendly, rule abiding environment and a open minded gaming community to be welcomed.

11. Provide any other information that might help us decide why you should be an Moderator:

I’ve know some of you for 5+ years, and I’ve been apart of this server since 2015, There in no other group of people I would want to game with. I want to put back into this community everything y’all have instilled into me.






Hi pineapplefrag,

Congratulations you have been accepted as a new moderator for nak squad.
