Our Units (Updated)

NAK-Squad-300X300-300dpi NAK Command

The members of NAK Command are not just the enforcers of the rules but are also a role model of character. The NAK Command strives to uphold and promote the standards of NAK Squad.NAK Command are the leaders of the NAK Community. NAK Command exists to keep the servers running, provide order and enforce the rules when necessary.The role of the Admin is to promote the community with their actions and behavior. Players should look to Admins as examples of what is expected. Help new players, encourage cooperation, and strive to make NAK Squad an enjoyable place to play.Being a member of NAK Command is a privilege.Members of NAK Command have a Code of Conduct for their actions while on NAK servers. If you feel that an Admin is not adhering to the Code of Conduct feel free to submit a misconduct report.

NAK-ELITE-300X300-72dpi NAK Elite

The primary purpose of NAK Elite is to recognize NAK community members who make our community grow and become stronger by making all players feel welcome and enjoy their experience on NAK servers.

To be selected as NAK Elite you need to uphold and promote the standards of NAK Elite. Some examples include:

  • Helping other players. The only way to make our community grow and become stronger is to make all players feel welcome and enjoy their experience on NAK servers.
  • Have a mic and frequent our TeamSpeak server. Our primary means of communication is with us on our TeamSpeak server, therefore communicating in TeamSpeak and encouraging others to do the same improves gameplay greatly.
  • Report bugs or issues with our servers. NAK Command makes every effort to make sure that the servers run smoothly, but sometimes the things don’t work as expected. By reporting bugs or issues with the servers, you are helping make NAK a better place.
  • Have self-discipline. It is important that NAK Elite and those wanting to become NAK Elite follow the rules of the community. Anyone that wishes to be NAK Elite should not have any bans or serious kicks within the last 6 months. The seriousness of the kicks will be interpreted by NAK Cmd.
  • Display integrity. Becoming NAK Elite is one of the first steps to becoming more involved with the NAK community. It is important that everyone feels that you are honest, fair, and are of good character.
  • Have 50 hours or more on NAK servers. Some of our standards for NAK Elite take time to evaluate, therefore anyone being considered will have at least 50 hours of combined gameplay on any NAK server. If you are curious about how many hours you have, you can check your hours on BattleMetrics. There is a FAQ with detailed instructions.
  • Be a registered member of the website. Everyone who plays on the NAK servers regularly should be registered on the website.

How can I become NAK Elite
The NAK Elite Unit is usually invitation-only. We offer this prestige to a select few. At this time, every month the Admins select up to three (3) players that embody NAK standards to join the NAK Elite.
Ultimately we are giving anyone that wishes an opportunity to tell us why they deserve NAK Elite. By completing the NAK Elite Open Registration you are in no way guaranteed to receive NAK Elite.

So what do I get if I join NAK Elite

  • In Game and TeamSpeak NAK Elite Tags. NAK Elite get to show off with an in-game NAK Elite Unit Tag, a TeamSpeak NAK Elite tag and a website forum tag. The in-game NAK Elite tag will be proudly displayed on uniforms and vehicles that support it. An example of the tag is above.
  • NAK Elite also has the ability to create temporary TeamSpeak channels.
  • NAK Elite can pilot from any role, except they are not allowed to be in one of the Vortex or Transport positions.
  • NAK Elite are not required to be in TeamSpeak when Piloting on NAK Invade and Annex servers.
  • Please note that at no point will you receive any in-game money, experience, weapons, vehicles, or other items to give you an advantage over other players.

NAK-Donor-300X300-72dpi NAK Donor

Without donors, NAK would not be what it is today. We appreciate everything they contribute and to highlight this, in-game for everyone to see, we created this unit just for them.

Why Donate?

The primary reason you should consider donating today; NAK is supported 100% by donations. The donation you make will support NAK directly by covering its operating costs. To operate the NAK community there are expenses that need to be paid. The average monthly expense is around $275. Some of the expenses include:

  • Server hosting cost- ARMA 3 Servers, TeamSpeak and the web site
  • Software Licenses – TeamSpeak 3, WordPress (Website)
  • Domain Name registration – naksquad.net

If you enjoy playing on the NAK servers, and you would like to make a difference please donate today.

What Do I Get?

Satisfaction knowing that your favorite gaming community will be around another month. Your donation goes directly to help the community operate, grow and thrive. Okay, so if that is not enough…

  • In-Game and TeamSpeak Donor Tags. Donors get to show off with an in-game Donor Unit Tag, a TeamSpeak Donor tag and a website forum tag. The in-game Donor tag is based on the NAK Donor Unit and will be proudly displayed on uniforms and vehicles that support it. An example of the tag is above.
  • Donors also have the ability to create temporary TeamSpeak channels.

Please note that at no point will you receive any in-game money, experience, weapons, vehicles, or other items at all, whether they give you an advantage over other players or not. Donations are voluntary, because you enjoy the community and wish to help keep it running, not because you are going to get something in return.

NAK-Tac-300X300-72dpi NAK Tactical

The NAK Full Tactical Unit a serious tactical group. In other words, we use squad based tactics to accomplish the objective at hand, we follow a slightly revised military structure and implement doctrine that is relatively similar to that of the actual military. NAK Tac however does not do something just because the military does. Many policies and practices do not apply to a MilSim game. We do have a more lax training schedule than many MilSim units, but training may be required for promotion to some ranks. As one might expect, we hold ourselves to a certain level of maturity, and try to practice professionalism in every operation we carry out. We have a teaching (but not preaching) mentality.

Who are we looking for?

  • Minimum age requirement is 16 years old. (No Exceptions.)
  • Must have TeamSpeak 3 with working mic and speakers or headset.
  • Must have legal copy of ArmA 3 and ArmA 3: Apex installed.
  • Speak English – English does not have to be your first language.
  • No BattlEye bans.
  • Maturity and common decency.
  • Ability to attend at least two of our unit wide events on Saturdays each week tentatively at 2 PM ET.

Right now we are in the process of rebuilding NAK Tac, all aplications are still in hold. If you are intrested please approach an admin and he will help you.