NAK TAC Application: LBRxGilbee

User: LBRxGilbee


In Game Name: LBRxGilbee

Steam user: Gilbe

Steam ID64: 76561198078764244

Date of Birth: 1990

Time Zone: USA Central Standard Time (UTC -6)

Prior Milsim Experience: US Army Esports Arma 3 Active Discord Member

Current Member of MilSim Unit: N/A

If you have prior MilSim experience, why did you stop? College cybersecurity coursework, and work.

Prior Military Experience: 19D20 Cavalry Scout - 14+ years.

Current Rank: (As recorded on the NAK TeamSpeak server) or ask an admin: SGT

What Is Your Current ArmA 3 Level of Experience: Advanced

Which ArmA 3 DLC’s Do You Own: (All of them)

Number of Hours in ArmA 3: 423 to be exact.

Given your ArmA skills, what do you feel you will bring to this community?
Solid membership with a track record of genuine attendance.

Given your abilities outside of ArmA 3, such as Photoshop, video editing, website development, programming etc., what can you bring to the community?
My 14 years of 19D Cavalry Scout experience and information technology / cybersecurity skills. ITF+, A+, NET+, SEC+, ISC2 Certified in Cybersecurity. I will be sitting for my CISSP exam in March of 2024.

Provide any other information that might help us decide whether to accept your application or not: N/A

Where did you hear about the NAK unit? Discord /

Name of person that referred you (If Any): N/A

Are you NAK Elite? No

Are you NAK Donor? Yes

Which role are you interested in? You may select multiple values.
Available roles at the moment are (put an X on wishes):
Rifleman (includes light Anti tank, placeable explosives, wire cutters, entrenching tool etc.)
Autorifleman (Light to medium machineguns) - X
Medic - X
Fireteam Leader
Squad Leader

Your application has been accepted.

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