NAK server (NAK#1) and Geforce NOW

Hello, I have been using Geforce NOW while playing Arma 3 on your NAK#1 ALTIS server. Up until today I have had no issues, but today, 15 Jan, I am unable to join the server Due to BattleEye indicating I have been kicked by BattleEye or an Admin due to me playing on a VPM or Proxy. I am assuming that VPN or Proxy is Geforce NOW.

I did try other servers and was able to connect with Geforce NOW.

We have adjusted the filter, please retry. If the issue is persistent I suggest contacting us on Discord. Otherwise reply here with further info. Thanks.

Hello, thank you for getting back to me, the issue has not changed. I will try a few things on my end and if it still persists I will reach out on your Discord Server.

We’re online now if you can reach out on Discord to work this out. Won’t be on for much longer.

Sorry, I have been unable to get verification on your Discord server, but unable to join though Geforce NOW is still an issue. I will jump onto your Discord and attempt to join game. Normally get I can expect 45 fps, at 1080P, with Geforce NOW, get 120fps at 4k. Night and Day experience.