Armored Vehicle Crafting and Service Points

It is a suggestion, but it could equalize and distribute the points of service (six) and repair of the vehicles, at least in the same way as those of helicopters.

Since there are 6 repair points for helicopters and four for planes and these take a moment to move from a recharge point to a mission point, and yet only two repair and recharge points for vehicles.
This is because if you manage to take an armored vehicle, it takes a long time to reach the mission point and when you arrive it is over or if you arrived and you run out of ammunition, it is impossible to reload and return again.
I know that there are transport helicopters, but personally I have stopped taking them, since either they are shot down before arriving, generally due to lack of experience or they simply leave you in the middle of the battle where before you can locate yourself in a strategic point , the enemies have already destroyed you, coupled with the fact that most of the pilots (not all) generally only get on a plane to bomb and to be killed and get on another plane again.

In addition, if there is a mission in Oleokastro, for example, the unevenness makes the speed of the armored cars decrease and also the distance to the vehicle’s generation area makes it impossible to take those missions in an armored car.

In my opinion there are too many advantages for airplanes, I have had moments in which I have been alone with 2 or three people on the ground and 8 pilots shooting and bombing and no pilot helping to transport infantry or vehicles.

I hope I don’t bother anyone with my comments, it’s just my experience in the time I’ve been. (six years and 28,400 points)
Thank you.