Approved - N1fty's Moderator Application

Must be 18, unless otherwise proven competent and reliable for the position. [Met]
Must have TeamSpeak 3 with working mic and speakers or headset. [Met]
Must have at least 160 hours on NAK servers. [Met]
Must have NAK Elite. [Met]
No serious bans on NAK Squad servers. [Met]
No kicks on NAK Squad servers within 90 days. [Met]
Active participation in the NAK Squad community for the last 90 days. [Arguably-Met]
Must Speak English. [Met]
Must be respectful, trustworthy, fair, humble, impartial, diligent, conscientious, ethical, dignified, disciplined, and prudent. [Met]

Answer these questions. (All questions must be answered accurately and completely). Remember many of the other Admins will only have the information available here to make their decision. Consider this your Admin resume.

  1. Steam ID or Profile Link: Steam Community :: N1fty
  2. Age: 24
  3. Hours played on NAK servers.: 303hrs
  4. Total Arma 3 hours: 1,312hrs
  5. What Is Your Current ArmA 3 Level of Experience: Reasonably experienced and able to learn more.
  6. Recommendation from existing Admin or Moderator (if applicable): N/A
  7. Reason for applying: I feel that I will serve as a professional and helpful addition to the NAK squad Moderator ranks.
  8. List any real-world experience or skills that you feel would contribute to the NAK community: I’m trained as a pilot. Part of that training is “crew resource management” requiring timely mitigation/resolving of issues as precisely and professionally as possible. All while sticking to the facts of the matter and remaining level-headed.
  9. Estimated Activity (How active will you be as an Moderator.): Sporadic daytime/Reliable late evening hours. (Depends on my flight schedule, sometimes I can be on all day, other times I can be on very little.)
  10. Briefly list what you believe is involved in being an Moderator on NAK servers:
    10a. Professionalism when dealing with any individual.
    10b. Patience; Sometimes you might have to help someone who has no idea how to operate Arma or NAK servers (or both!), patience is key to being positive and helpful.
    10c. Dicipline + Fairness; Pay attention to the rules and how the situation applies, maybe someone is trolling, or they did something by accident, be fair and helpful to the community with your actions.
  11. Provide any other information that might help us decide why you should be an Moderator: I’ve been selected and approved for NAK Elite previously. I try to be helpful and attentive any time I’m online. Many times I find myself online when there’s no staff, seems I may be able to fill a gap or two. If I’m approved as a NAK Moderator I’ll be able to help keep the community that I enjoy so much, a fun, safe and smooth environment for everyone.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Kindest regards,

Matt a.k.a: N1fty

+1 for a moderator role. Good activity in January and October. I like the structured and direct application. Never had a problem with this player and seen him around a few times.

Bearded Reporting,

I have seen N1fty around a lot, nothing negative has come up, and or was said anything about him. His application speaks for itself and I can see him going far. +1

Kind Regards~

Good intentions, no negatives +1

The Fox has become the Spy

Someone who has not broken any rules in years = +1

Good fellow would be a good addition to the team +1

Hi Nifty,

Your application has been successful , congratulations.

I shall email you shortly with details regarding your training.


+1 will make a great addition