Approved - MedievalLeo Application

  1. Steam ID or Profile Link: MedievalLeo 76561199190906921
  2. Age: 43
  3. Hours played on NAK servers.: 734.91 hours
  4. Total Arma 3 hours: 844 hours
  5. What Is Your Current ArmA 3 Level of Experience: Currently a MSG on Teamspeak and a Staff Sergeant (i think) in game.
  6. Recommendation from existing Admin or Moderator (if applicable): n/a
  7. Reason for applying: (If your answer to this is anything like “to get rid of trolls” please reconsider your application) Being a moderator would allow me to represent the officer corp and I would be able to help the in game players by being available when a full admin may not be. I can help with questions new and existing players may have about the game and about NAK servers. Should a situation arise, I would be able to help try and solve it, and if need be, bring it up through the proper channels to be handled.
  8. List any real-world experience or skills that you feel would contribute to the NAK community: I was in the US Navy for 10 years as a Hospital Corpsman (hence why i typically play medic or CLS). I also have 24 years of medical experience and am currently a medical device rep. After leaving the Navy, I worked in the private security field for 4 years. Having this experience has helped me with problem solving, leadership, and training. I was an instructor in the Navy for emergency medicine, CPR, NREMT, and flight deck operations to name a few. Since leaving the military, I have frequently been selected as a preceptor for new employees because I enjoy teaching medicine. With that being said, I also enjoy helping players figure out how to do things in game and seeing them have a better time in game because of learning new things.
  9. Estimated Activity (How active will you be as an Moderator.): I typically play on the weekends, but can sometimes make it on Wednesday-Friday in the evenings.
  10. Briefly list what you believe is involved in being an Moderator on NAK servers: Keeping the peace. Making sure that players are following the rules and correcting them if they aren’t. It is also about creating a fun environment for all, teaching players if they need help, and to provide leadership where need be.
  11. Provide any other information that might help us decide why you should be an Moderator: I solely play on the NAK servers (mostly Atlis currently) because I thoroughly enjoy them, the customization through mods that are offered, and enjoy the community. I am currently NAK Elite, and take pride in representing NAK. Being a moderator would not only allow me to represent NAK, but also allow me to help do my part in the keeping the servers fun and fair.

+1 talked to the player a couple of times and never had an issue, I think he’d be a good fit for the moderator team.

+1, glad to see you applied

Just wanted to check in and see if anyone needed any more information to help make a decision.

Hi medieval Leo,

Congratulations, you have been accepted as a moderator for nak squad.

We shall be in contact shortly regarding your training.
