Approved - G0lden Moderator Application

Must be 18, unless otherwise proven competent and reliable for the position.
Must have TeamSpeak 3 with working mic and speakers or headset.
Must have at least 160 hours on NAK servers.
Must have NAK Elite.
No serious bans on NAK Squad servers.
No kicks on NAK Squad servers within 90 days.
Active participation in the NAK Squad community for the last 90 days.
Must Speak English.
Must be respectful, trustworthy, fair, humble, impartial, diligent, conscientious, ethical, dignified, disciplined, and prudent.

Answer these questions. (All questions must be answered accurately and completely). Remember many of the other Admins will only have the information available here to make their decision. Consider this your Admin resume.

  1. Steam ID or Profile Link: Steam Community :: G0lden

  2. Age: 30

  3. Hours played on NAK servers.: 4108+ I believe (pulled from battlemetrics)

  4. Total Arma 3 hours: 6331

  5. What Is Your Current ArmA 3 Level of Experience: Advanced

  6. Recommendation from existing Admin or Moderator (if applicable):

  7. Reason for applying: (If your answer to this is anything like “to get rid of trolls” please reconsider your application)

So it’s been a while since I left. I have had medical issues for probably 10 years now. I am finally doing a lot better and I feel I am able to handle things a lot better. It’s been a process of evaluating myself and having others let me know how I am doing and I can finally say that I am doing great. Not only that, but I am more than confident that I am able to handle anything for years to come. I would like to start off as a moderator if that is alright. I have been helping players already since I rejoined and I really enjoy helping new and older players with any and all questions that they have had as well as helping players figure out the servers (i.e. there was a couple of lost players in Altis and I helped them get to the AO and get started). I would like to help the servers as well at this point with rule enforcement and advanced admin tools to better further NAK. My knowledge of TeamSpeak has and always will be available and despite my confidence issues I want to learn more and help more.

  1. List any real-world experience or skills that you feel would contribute to the NAK community: I served in the Navy, have had a lot of admin experience on NAK, and I have worked on myself a lot to get to where I am.

  2. Estimated Activity (How active will you be as an Moderator.): At minimum, I will be on a few days a week. Typically I am on most days but starting next year my job is going to get interesting so I don’t want to be committal. However, my free time is mostly spent on my computer and I believe I have enough time to donate.

  3. Briefly list what you believe is involved in being an Moderator on NAK servers: Letting others know what the rules are as well as enforcing them if required. I still have advanced communications software knowledge as far as TeamSpeak and Discord and bots. Obviously helping out players with my knowledge of Arma and TeamSpeak.

  4. Provide any other information that might help us decide why you should be an Moderator: Like I’ve said, I have been on one heck of a ride in life and I really still love the NAK community. I believe I am ready to start my journey again into NAK. There are so many games coming, arma 3 is still amazing, and the community is still thriving and I want to be a part of it once more.

+1 (Dark and Light :slight_smile: )

  • 1 I believe G0lden represents our admin/moderator code of conduct better than most of our current admins/moderators. G0lden has also made many changes for the better over his long history at NAK.

+1 G0lden and Moon are a big part of why I decided to become an admin. An inspiration for us all.

+1 I think it’d be great to have Golden back on the team.

I regret that I have but one + to give.

G0lden! +1 all the way, he’s OG and he knows what he’s doing.

This is a no brainier, congrats golden, it’s with great pleasure to tell you that you’re accepted back , will be in contact shortly,


TEXN here,

+1 - Golden has always exhibited model Admin behaviour, and I for one welcome his return.



Veteran player and loved by the community and has the respect of most,
