Accepted - WolfsHowl Moderator Application

Please answer all questions accurately, honestly and completely.

  1. Age:23
  2. Steam ID or Profile Link:Steam Community :: Wolf's Howl
  3. Hours played on NAK servers.: 250
  4. Total Arma 3 hours: 669
  5. What Is Your Current ArmA 3 Level of Experience: Moderate
  6. Recommendation from existing Admin or Moderator (if applicable): Defek, Crater
  7. Reason for applying (if this is anything like “to get rid of trolls” please reconsider): To help the community become a better place for everyone and to help new players learn more about arma.
  8. List any real-world experience or skills that you feel would contribute to the NAK community: I helped train some new soldiers to my platoon when i was in the army
  9. Estimated Activity (how active will you be): almost every day for at least 3-5 hours
  10. Briefly list what you believe is involved in being an Moderator on NAK servers: helping new players learn how to use the arsenals and help the with AOs and making sure people are fallowing the rules
  11. Provide any other information that might help us decide why you should be an Moderator: I want to be able to help everyone that i can while playing nak and be able to make everyone’s experience as best as it can be.

+1 I think WolfsHowl could be an asset to NAK.




+1. He’s great




Hi wolfsHowl,

Congratulations, you have been accepted as a moderator with nak squad.

I shall be in contact with you shortly ref training.


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