Accepted - Vel Moderator Application

  1. Steam ID or Profile Link: 76561197984488768

  2. Age: 32

  3. Hours played on NAK servers.: 500+

  4. Total Arma 3 hours: 667

  5. What Is Your Current ArmA 3 Level of Experience: Advanced

  6. Recommendation from existing Admin or Moderator (if applicable): Brandon

  7. Reason for applying:
    I’m always looking for ways to help people out and contribute what I can to the betterment of this community! I feel like the ‘Nak Squad’ community has been growing and I’ve been seeing a lot of new faces in the Altis Server. The moderator position will help us more experienced members get newer players up to speed quicker (i.e. Teamspeak permissions, rule reminders etc.) and ensure the ‘new player experience’ is a memorable one. The more solid members we can attract and retain: the better!

  8. List any real-world experience or skills that you feel would contribute to the NAK community:
    I work in sales for a mining equipment manufacturer. I have loads of experience and training in ‘conflict resolution’ and just generally have experience communicating with people, diffusing bad situations, finding mutually beneficial outcomes when possible; and laying down ‘the law’ when necessary (as an absolute last resort).

  9. Estimated Activity (How active will you be as an Moderator.):
    I’m on most nights and weekends, sometimes during the week (working from home AM I RIGHT!? :stuck_out_tongue: )

  10. Briefly list what you believe is involved in being an Moderator on NAK servers:

  • Helping new players (server onboarding, rule reminders, etc)

  • Assist in conflict resolution to ensure that any involved parties are treated with equality and inclusivity

  • Promote ‘Nak Squad’ events

  • Maintain ‘Nak Squad’ brand integrity by respecting and enforcing rules.
  1. Provide any other information that might help us decide why you should be an Moderator:
    I’m from Canada Eh!

+1 confirmed recommendation

Vel has been an active member of our community for a while, and shows leadership and teamwork skills in the Altis server and the Pilots channel all the time. He is friendly and helpful, and I think he would make a great addition to the Moderator team.

+1 , Great teamwork and passion on the server. Has a lot of hours and good communication

Hi vel,

Congratulations, you have been accepted as a new moderator for nak squad.

We shall be in contact with you shortly regarding training.



Thank you everyone for your kind words! I’m really proud to have been selected for this position. I won’t let you down!

Welcome to the team, bud.

Ayy Congratulations! Glad to have you by our side on the staff team!

Wait… there’s applications for the Other Side?

Shhhhhh :#