Accepted - Smurf Moderator Application

Must be 18, unless otherwise proven competent and reliable for the position.
Must have TeamSpeak 3 with working mic and speakers or headset.
Must have at least 160 hours on NAK servers.
Must have NAK Elite.
No serious bans on NAK Squad servers.
No kicks on NAK Squad servers within 90 days.
Active participation in the NAK Squad community for the last 90 days.
Must Speak English.
Must be respectful, trustworthy, fair, humble, impartial, diligent, conscientious, ethical, dignified, disciplined, and prudent.

Answer these questions. (All questions must be answered accurately and completely). Remember many of the other Admins will only have the information available here to make their decision. Consider this your Admin resume.

  1. Steam ID or Profile Link: Steam Community :: MegaPewPewXD
    Profile is private so here is a screenshot

  1. Age: 28 (March 9th, 1994)

  2. Hours played on NAK servers.:

NAK#1 Altis: 1228h13mins
NAK#3 Tanoa: 14h11mins
NAK#4 Zeus: 902h16mins

  1. Total Arma 3 hours: 3178 Hours

  2. What Is Your Current ArmA 3 Level of Experience: Experienced

  3. Recommendation from existing Admin or Moderator (if applicable): N/A

  4. Reason for applying: (If your answer to this is anything like “to get rid of trolls” please reconsider your application): I have consistently said that my interest in NAK was an environment where everyone can have fun with peace of mind and that my desire to keep the community as enjoyable for everyone as possible was the driving force behind my benevolence to help people no matter new or veteran and I still stand by these principles. I’m going to be straight forward and honest: I’m not perfect but I always strive to be better and I’m willing to learn. I have no issue admitting when I’m wrong and taking responsibility for my mistakes. I also pride myself on honesty, transparency and fairness. I firmly believe that being a staff member means more than just policing people around. It’s also about the community as a whole and making it the best it can be for everyone which is why I decided to apply for moderator.

  5. List any real-world experience or skills that you feel would contribute to the NAK community: Honestly, all I can offer on this front if my experience as Zeus, knowledge of the NAK community, experience as a Project Manager (1 year of experience as of this application) and Consumer Advisor (2 years as of this application) along with my ability to adapt and learn quickly.

  6. Estimated Activity (How active will you be as an Moderator.): 12~24 hours a week, 2~4 hours daily

  7. Briefly list what you believe is involved in being an Moderator on NAK servers:
    Respect: To be respectful should be the tenet of any moderator at any given time as they are the embodiment of the rules.
    Honesty: Lying to cover malevolent behavior is a shameful display of power abuse. Without honest staff members, a community cannot prosper.
    Trust: To be able to trust people can be difficult at times. I believe distrust between two groups sows discontent and is unhealthy for a community.
    Rationality: Not everyone has malicious intentions. To be able to distinguish between intentional harm and accidents is a crucial trait that any moderator should possess.

    Finally, I understand that becoming a member of the staff means reduced playing time as moderation (and/or) other task will take priority over gameplay.

  8. Provide any other information that might help us decide why you should be an Moderator: I may like a good laugh at times but when it comes to the community, I take things very seriously. NAK has given me much in the past 5 years, it made me grow up as a person and a player and I would be proud to take a more active and direct role in it.

+1 I think he’d be a good member of the team.

+1 Pupa Smurf

TEXN here,



+1 for sure

Hi Smurf ,

Congratulations, you have been accepted to our moderator position within NAK SQUAD.

I shall be in contact with you in the next couple of days to set up your training.

Welcome aboard.