Accepted - Moderator Application - Assaultdude93

Must be 18, unless otherwise proven competent and reliable for the position.
Must have TeamSpeak 3 with working mic and speakers or headset.
Must have at least 160 hours on NAK servers.
Must have NAK Elite.
No serious bans on NAK Squad servers.
No kicks on NAK Squad servers within 90 days.
Active participation in the NAK Squad community for the last 90 days.
Must Speak English.
Must be respectful, trustworthy, fair, humble, impartial, diligent, conscientious, ethical, dignified, disciplined, and prudent.

Answer these questions. (All questions must be answered accurately and completely). Remember many of the other Admins will only have the information available here to make their decision. Consider this your Admin resume.

  1. Steam ID or Profile Link: 76561198050526969
  2. Age: 29
  3. Hours played on NAK servers.: 746
  4. Total Arma 3 hours: 892
  5. What Is Your Current ArmA 3 Level of Experience: Intermediate
  6. Recommendation from existing Admin or Moderator (if applicable): N/A
  7. Reason for applying: (If your answer to this is anything like “to get rid of trolls” please reconsider your application) I love helping the community, whether it’s a new player or helping with a Zeus op. Becoming a moderator would be the next step up.
  8. List any real-world experience or skills that you feel would contribute to the NAK community: I’m an IT contractor for multiple school districts in my local area. Having a systems administrator background, with Linux, MacOS, and Windows experience, would contribute to the NAK community.
  9. Estimated Activity (How active will you be as a Moderator.): 0-20hrs a week depending on work schedule
  10. Briefly list what you believe is involved in being a Moderator on NAK servers: Someone who is willing to help others enjoy their time on the NAK servers. From helping players in game or getting the correct mods to kicking/banning players for breaking rules. Also, reminding players of the rules.
  11. Provide any other information that might help us decide why you should be an Moderator: I love being apart of the community and want to help out more.

+1 serious person.

+1 I’ve seen him around a lot and he’s never a problem, more a problem solver. I think he’d be a good fit.

+1 level headed in crazy situations. Always appreciate having the dude around.

+1 always helpful and fun to be around


+1 Only ever had positive interactions with assault and been asset within servers

Hi Assaultdude93,

you have been accepted as a moderator for NAK SQUAD, Congratulations.

i shall be eamiling you shortly with details regarding training.



Thanks everyone for your support.

TEXN here,

Congatulations, Assault Dude! Good work.
